March 22, 2016

I am admittedly obsessed with Pocket.

Well before all of the browsers and devices tapped into offering bookmark syncing, I discovered this little app and was so, so excited. FINALLY! How often are you perusing something on your phone, and want to read it when you get home and can really hone in? Or surfing something at work that you want to reference later? That said, I so very often bookmark something, thinking, "that'd be an awesome thing to blog about." And then life happens, and aforementioned brilliant information gets stagnant. And then I have a pool of content that is as massive and navigable as the ocean blue.

That said, it is all still corralled in one place, which I really like. Here's a little collection of some of my favorites here lately:

- I live for the art of cooking dinner. More often than not, my evenings are full and rushed--and happy hour snacks or cheese plates are all too common as a staple--but the thought of being home for the night, and just devoting time to cooking is so therapeutic for me: the planning, the sashaying across my tiny kitchen and offering Maizie samples here and there, finally sitting down with wine and the finished product.. I was lax to sign up for Blue Apron, because I don't really have issues with meal planning or being creative... but I finally did on a whim and am loving it. I whipped these quesadillas up at lunch today. Best of all, at $60/week, it's not astronomical--and their "two servings" are easily three for me usually.

As with all things food-related, I really loved this piece from NPR on eating alone.

And I really, really want to make these donuts soon.

- I finished the most recent season of "House of Cards" this weekend. Meh. I watched the Netflix series "LOVE" a few weeks back, which was pretty hilarious--Judd Apatow directs and Gillian Jacobs is in it--I have a pretty significant girl crush on her. It's easy to binge. I started watching "Vinyl" last night and am slow to get into it... and I know I need to get on the "Game of Thrones" train sooner rather than later, but again... I need roughly 12 more hours a day to do the things I need to do, let alone what I want to do. Have you watched anything good lately?

Speaking of which, it's been a while since I've had a Felicity marathon. I love this reunion article... and the question begs: were you Team Ben, or Team Noel?

I'm also totally caught up on the Oscar winners, with the exception of "Brooklyn"... I think I'll tackle that on Apple TV sometime this week.

- Forever an autumn girl, I am itching more and more for summertime. Mostly so I can replenish my sundress supply--starting with this hot little number.

- I know this photography collection has circled around a bit, but it never ceases to melt my nostalgic heart.

And the fact that the NYPL released all of these images is just incredible. I could sift through these forever and ever.

- Most popular TED talks of last year.

- My patio inspiration! So, so ready to live out there for the next six months.

Come onnnn, springtime. We're ready for you.

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