
November 14, 2017

I like to think of myself as a pretty consistently thankful human. I keep my gratitude journal. Like any respectable Southern woman, I am diligent about sending my thank you notes. I routinely remind myself how good I've got it in this life.

That said, everyone knows this time of year is a glaring reminder to keep that perspective front and center. After this rollercoaster of a year, I've been especially reflective about the loads I have to be grateful for... big and small. In no particular order... here's a corralling of thirty little pieces of what makes me a happy, happy girl every single day:

I'm so very thankful for:
  1. the utter joy of living in a city that suits me so perfectly, a place I keep falling in love with, five-and-a-half years after first skipping into town.
  2. my crazy, wavy head of hair and the ability gift of only having to wash it but maybe twice a week. (oh. and dry shampoo).
  3. my adorable Greek guy who is endlessly thoughtful and encouraging--while challenging me to be a better version of myself, making me laugh from my gut and always, always reaching over to hold my hand... and taking me to Costco.
  4. the ability to step onto a plane and be home in Texas in a mere two hours--and the incredible people there who know me better than I know myself sometimes.
  5. ...namely my amazing daddy-o and the tirelessly way he's loved me for more than thirty-one years. His dependable dry wit, token one-liners and boundless wisdom are way up there too.
  6. the way I feel beautiful in an old pair of jeans, some Kendra Scott hanging from my earlobes, a pair of my broken-in Frye boots and that signature bold, red lip.
  7. my battered, nine-year-old Macbook and the familiar pull of settling in with her to tap out my stories on its well-worn keys.
  8. Whataburger taquitos.
  9. coworkers who are just as dedicated to belly-laughing and cutting loose with each other, as they are to our cause.
  10. the 24 years I had, learning from my magnificent Mimi. the graceful way she loved and served everyone around her and served as the utmost in examples of how to live this life on earth.
  11. my insatiable curiosity, lifetime love for research and reading... and subsequent appreciation for Amazon prime.
  12. the way my parents raised my brothers and me to glean our own views and opinions... and the way I can banter and debate with my dad about our differences now that I'm an "adult."
  13. never having ever had a car payment. (let's take a moment to pray my 15-year-old BMW gets me through to springtime).
  14. the safety net of my Monday night small group girls, their fiery hearts for Jesus, and the steadfast way we love and support each other through this crazy life.
  15. the rush of that first downbeat, as everyone rises to their feet at a much-anticipated concert.
  16. the generosity and authenticity my stepmom Jules has always been relied upon for--and her potato salad and cornbread stuffing recipes.
  17. my overall health--and the fact that I have the means and ability to seek out help when I need it, and the phenomenal doctors in my corner, who are warm, endearing and ridiculously knowledgeable.
  18. the gift of being crafty and creative--how it refuels my soul, and that I'm able to love on people around me with handwritten cards, homemade breads, or custom cross-stitched goodies.
  19. getting wrapped up in a season of Saturdays of college football rivalries and upsets.
  20. the effortless way I found my family in Nashville--the loyalty and love of incredible friends here who have opened their hearts and homes to me, and given my life a glittery light that I never expected to unveil.
  21. quality Lululemon on sale.
  22. getting lost in a Netflix marathon with aforementioned adorable Greek.
  23. the solitude I found in my two years in one teensy, suburban apartment--recollecting myself and detouring off onto a much better path than I could've mapped out for myself.
  24. being old (and I daresay wise) enough to let go of the bitterness I wore like a jacket, being known as the kid with a sick mom... and instead, truly being thankful for the good time I had with her--and the undeniable fact that I inherited her spunky attitude, insane sweet tooth, and unquestionable wearing of one's heart-on-one's sleeve.
  25. the wave of relaxation that wraps me up at the conclusion of my restorative yoga class.
  26. that ten-year-old fluff nugget who is as entertaining as she is loving. I am forever attached to that little dog.
  27. the excitement of a new address! new house in a new neighborhood, and all of the requisite exploring and excitement that comes along with it.
  28. my continued, yet questionable ability to operate on minimal sleep.
  29. the syrupy sweet memories (and telltale naiveté) that my Norman Rockwell childhood and Texas roots forever etched in my heart.
  30. the comfort, grace and direction that my faith steers my life. 

What are you most thankful for this year?

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