June 16, 2016

Hello, hello, hello!

Summertime, man. And all at once, 2016 is half over.

I'm in the throes of planning and doing all of the things (baby shower! independence day feast! etsy store! book draft! show after show! travel, travel, travel!) and wanted to pause for a breather to catch up on my little corner of the internet. I'm (finally) perfectly okay with just checking in when I want to, versus stomaching the blogger's guilt that formerly ensued upon realizing weeks--nay months--had passed between my ramblings. But these warmer days have been treating me just fine, thank you, and I've stayed all kinds of busy... I've bounced around on planes and highways for the past six weeks (six states in as many weeks!), but you know? Life is good, and I daresay, the living is easy.

(forgive the variance in photo sizes. I don't have the time or patience.)

Between ample pool time and girls nights,

 and skipping around to shows,

(Mayer Hawthorne)

(The Lone Bellow)

(Punch Brothers)


(Avett Brothers)

(Wild Feathers--show two of three for the year)

tearing it up at hockey playoff games,

lazy weekend mornings together that turn into the coziest of afternoons,

dinners spent belly laughing with friends,

lots of QT with my best girl,

first of many trips to The Peach Truck,

marveling at the my new shelves,

a gorgeous, breezy Memorial Day in Kentucky,

a long, rejuvenating weekend home in Texas,

hosting sweet friends for weekends of exploring my city,

requisite summertime snacking,

a little bit of work travel in one of my all-time favorite cities,

an incredible, inspiring conference experience right here in my adopted hometown,

starting a new study that I'm crazy about with my small group girls, (go get a copy of Brene Brown's Daring Greatly),

to finally, finally, savoring some sunshine and dipping my toes in the Atlantic,

...sleep hasn't been a top priority, per se, but I guess you could presume that summer in Nashville is looking pretty fabulous from where I sit. And that 2016 has been pretty good to me so far.

I really, really hope yours is shaping up to be as wonderful!!

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