March 1, 2015

March is here!!! Can it be?! I heard someone on the radio claiming that 2015 is "one-sixth of the way over" and while I can figure the math, I'd be lying if I said I was happy it's flying by the way it is... that being said, sweet, baby Jesus, can we get some springtime?! Grass is always greener (no pun), and you always want what you don't have, but seriously... I need some spring. Desperately. It was in the lower 50s (and raining) today, and it felt damn near tropical.

We had more snow this past week--although nothing like earlier in the month. Halleluia. I admittedly stumble into being more smitten with ST when I see how much he loves Maizie... sappy, yes, but it melts me. We met up with my sweet friend Mikki, and her husband and their friends from Washington on Friday night for "dinner" that turned into a long night at the honky tonks and getting home after 2 a.m. Sweet Sadie baby turned one (!!!) on Friday, and we celebrated accordingly on Saturday (how cute is that dress? I mean, seriously). And last, but certainly not least, like the rest of America, we settled in for some quality binge watching of House of Cards--Maiz craves a good binge watching session.

How have you been?? What are you most looking forward to this spring?

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